Closely held corporation owners: If you need money for personal expenses like a new car or home improvements, consider borrowing from the business. But follow these tips to avoid adverse tax consequences.
Summer is here and tax deadlines are probably the last thing on your mind. But there are some important third-quarter deadlines that businesses can’t afford to forget about.
The Social Security tax paid by many individuals will continue to go up in future years. Here’s a look at how the tax affects employees, self-employed individuals and employers.
If you’re fortunate enough to own vacant land that has appreciated greatly, you may want to sell it. But how much will you pay in tax and is there any way to reduce the tax bill? Here’s a strategy to consider.
An important deadline for quarterly federal estimated tax payments is coming up on June 17. Here are the methods for computing payments for corporations.
When buying a business, you may not focus on taxes. But the way the transaction is structured can lead to better or worse tax results after the acquisition.
If you’re adding a new partner to your partnership, you may think the tough part is over once you find the right person. But there could be complex tax issues to consider.
Once your 2023 tax return has been filed, you can breathe a sigh of relief. But there still may be some tax issues to consider. Here are three of them.
A meticulous approach to maintaining business records can help protect your tax deductions and make an IRS audit much less difficult. Here’s a recent court case illustrating some of the issues involved.
Businesses: Do you expect federal income tax rates to go up, go down or stay the same in the future? If you think your rates could go up, here are some considerations.
Home selling (and buying) season is heating up. At the same time, rents are high in many parts of the country. What are the tax implications if you buy another home but decide to keep your current home and rent it out?
If you’re a business owner without a retirement plan, establishing one is simpler than you may think. And there still may be time to set one up for LAST year, depending on your situation.
Once your 2023 tax return has been filed, you can breathe a sigh of relief. But there still may be some tax issues to consider. Here are three of them.
Spring is here, along with a bunch of tax-related deadlines. Here are some upcoming dates for the second quarter of 2024 that businesses and employers should keep in mind.